When Can You Collect Social Security

Understanding When to Collect Social Security

Social Security is a significant component of many Americans’ retirement plans. It is a federal program that provides benefits to retired people, disabled individuals, and their survivors. This article explores when you can start collecting social security benefits and factors that affect the decision.

Age of Eligibility

The earliest age at which you can start collecting Social Security retirement benefits is 62. However, the exact age when you can receive full or unreduced benefits, known as your “full retirement age,” depends on the year you were born. For those born in 1937 or earlier, the full retirement age is 65. The full retirement age increases gradually if you were born after 1937 until it reaches 67 for people born in 1960 and later.

If you choose to start receiving benefits before your full retirement age, your monthly benefit will be permanently reduced. For example, starting to collect benefits at 62 will reduce the monthly amount by about 30% compared to waiting until your full retirement age.

If you delay collecting benefits past your full retirement age, your monthly benefit will increase by a certain percentage until you reach age 70. After age 70, there is no additional increase.

Earning Limitations

If you start collecting benefits before full retirement age and continue to work, there are limits on how much you can earn without affecting your Social Security benefits. The earning limit changes yearly. In 2021, the limit is $18,960 for people below full retirement age. After reaching your full retirement age, there is no limit on earnings and your benefits will not be reduced.

How Much Will You Get?

The Social Security Administration calculates your benefit based on your 35 highest-earning years. If you have fewer than 35 years of earnings, zeros are factored into the calculation, decreasing your monthly benefit. Therefore, working for at least 35 years can significantly increase your benefit.

Retirement villages in Gold Coast, for example, offer an excellent lifestyle to seniors. Therefore, understanding when to start collecting social security is crucial as it could finance a comfortable stay in such high-end retirement communities. It’s always best to consider your overall retirement savings, living costs, health, and lifespan to make an informed decision.


Social Security retirement benefits can significantly contribute to your post-retirement lifestyle, including potentially moving to attractive locations like the Gold Coast. It is, therefore, important to understand when to start collecting benefits, based on your individual situation, to maximize your income. Life in retirement can be a fantastic new chapter of your life if planned correctly, keeping in mind all the factors that contribute to your post-retirement income and lifestyle.

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